Strong supporter of the PHP community Melis Technology sponsored the 2017 PHP Forum in Nantes from the 18th and 19th of May 2017 with our 2 partners Continuous S.A. and Zend Technologies. Half of the 270 attendees came to our booth to get a demo of the last version of Melis Platform or to try their luck at our contest to win the brand new Elvis rock star elePHPant.
With Continuous and Zend Technologies we also delivered a conference "Ma petite entrePHPrise ne connaît pas la crise..."(play on words with a French song "My small business doesn't know the meaning of crisis..." to share some numbers regarding the PHP market 20 years after the launch of PHP 3.0 with its Zend Engine core developed by Andi Gutmans, Zeev Zuraski and Rasmus Lerdorf and launched in 1997. Now with 80 %+ of the website market PHP offers the highest level of Performance Security and Scalability with the most industrialized tools to develop and run web critical applications. PHP developers have done the right choice and are at the right place !
Then we provided some insights on PHP future and how to develop, test and deploy PHP applications today.