This was a gigantic work and we managed to successfully complete it.
In case you're not aware, Zend Framework was formerly led and managed by Rogue Wave Software and has now become the Laminas Project managed by the Linux Foundation. Basically Laminas is the sequel of Zend Framework.
So how does that impact Melis Platform? Well it doesn't cause any visible changes to the Platform, but behind the curtain a lot was going on which we had to take care of and we are glad to announce that Melis Platform is 100% migrated from Zend Framework to Laminas.
This migration - as well as the recent updates of Bootstrap and jQuery - is proof that at Melis Technology we are commited to keep Melis Platform up to date with the strategic technologies we have selected.
This constitutes a guarantee of performance, stability, continuity and security of the platform as well as your applications running on it.
Some Fortune 500 companies - among other companies - are using Melis Platform to run their day to day critical applications because they know they can trust and rely on Melis Technology and Melis Platform.
If you are curious about how Melis Platform can help your business contact us now!
April 27th, 2021
Melis Platform V4 Released