Melis Platform v.2.3.0 is released today and brings significant technical evolutions and new features. The main evolution concerns the marketplace and the automated mecanism to update the modules when a new version is available.
Now the marketplace displays all modules with the versions currently installed and the new versions available if any. You want to upgrade to the last version ? Click on "install bouton" and it will be downloaded through the platform and composer and be deployed automatically. It also update automatically the DB each time you download a module and save and archive the existing tables before each modifications.
It contains also numerous new features : MelisInstaller has been deeply modified to provide a dedicated setup to each modules so that you can setup or update them independently. MelisDbdeploy allows to deploy the DB through Composer, MelisGoogleAnalytics module is now available to get Google Analytics interface into Melis and directly accessible into the edition tab of each page. MelisCmsSiteRobot has been improved to manage the robots.txt files per site, MelisUserTabs save the opened tabs when you close the browser or get out of Melis and reopen then when you come back, Melis Core also provide new features and allows each user to personalized the color and images of the Back Office...
Download it and run all your websites and business apps or modules within only one interface !