Cut up to 90% development cost! I know right?!
We understand that development can get quickly costly for projects requiring customized modules. Setting up the tables, designing the interface, building all the fields, etc... So we asked ourselves, what can we do about it? Well let's just make a module making modules!
Simply put, set up the database tables for your module and then enter the magical space of the Tool Creator:
Decide what type of module you want to create through the 4 options:
- Single table with modal edition
- Single table with tab edition
- Dual table with modal edition
- Dual table with tab edition
Set the title and description of the module.
Select your database table(s).
Pick which field will be displayed in the list of the module.
Define which fields are editable and mandatory.
Name all fields.
Abracadabra! Enjoy the awesomeness of the Tool Creator with a ready to use module created in minutes.
July 4th, 2019
A Melis Platform Revolution: Melis Tool Creator